Mental Health Upkeep Checklist With Tips

Mental Health Upkeep Checklist With Tips

1. Do I remind myself to be nice? (Hang or wear something, possibly a trinket, that helps you remember to be kind and fair.)

2. Do I worry less by trusting niceness more? (Remind yourself kindness and fairness make you good enough.)

3. Do I keep in mind hurt fuels sadness and anger? (When you find yourself sad or angry, be open to owning and healing a hurtful loss.)
4. Do I rise above the temptation to pretend it’s OK not to be nice? (Don’t forget you almost always know whether you’re nice or not nice.)

5. Do I explore times I overreact? (When upset, consider you’re overvaluing a way to feel able and/or close.)

6. Do I try hard to understand others? (Remember, helpful empathy requires sincere humility.)

7. Do I work at appreciating the importance of healing? (Keep in mind stashed hurt can result in lingering sadness, called regret, and lingering anger, called resentment.)

8. Do I keep learning about niceness? (Spend time exploring nonfiction and fiction that features kindness and fairness.)

9. Do I take time to relax and refocus? (Put aside time to ponder mind-mellowing self-care statements, such as the one that follows: Despite what the world says, only seeing myself be nice will create the serenity I desire.)

10. Do I encourage niceness? (When given the chance, thank others for their kindness and fairness.)